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How to assess your company’s digital maturity

Back How to assess your company’s digital maturity

Your first step towards digital transformation

Digital transformation is a trending buzzword, thrown around these days without everyone really understanding its true meaning.  True digital transformation goes beyond websites, e-commerce and social media.  It is the process of utilizing technologies to build business processes, boost company culture, take your customer experience to new heights and to drive innovations that keep you competitive in your market.  It’s rethinking your entire business so that it can be more efficient and thrive in the digital age.


If you’re looking to take the first step in your digital transformation, you’ll have to understand what this term means for your company and which business processes it could significantly enhance.

With evolving technologies and new digital trends popping up constantly, you’ll have to take a step back, think strategically and acknowledge your organization's current digital state. You’ll need to be aware of your current situation so that you can train for the challenge that lies ahead.  

In this step you will have to assess your business operations in relation to current digital trends being utilized in today’s market and in comparison to your competitors. The outcome will be figuring out your organization’s level of digital maturity.  


Ask yourself:

  • what business processes do I have in place and how am I taking advantage of technology to create efficiencies? 
  • Am I missing procedures and workflows that could improve my business?

Look internally at your organization in order to identify pain points in your operations.  Then, do your research and look toward your competitors and see how they are utilizing technology to improve their service offerings.  You will either get some great ideas, or see opportunities and gaps in the market that you can fill.

This all sounds easier said than done and if you’re reading this article, chances are you are not a digital professional who is qualified to know what solutions exist that can help your organization.  Still, there is a decent amount of free information online that can give you a good idea on what’s out there.

Once you’ve identified the potential business areas that technology could improve, you will be able to engage with better foundations and a better understanding of where you’re at and where you want to go.

If you find yourself having a hard time figuring things out alone and do not have the luxury of time to dedicate to this exercise, you aren’t alone.  If you want to take your digital transformation seriously, you will most likely need to consult with a digital partner who can help guide you and open your horizons to the possibilities that exist.