Backbone | Fonnegra Gerlein


Designing a new brand to lead the market

Solutions Branding, Website
Location South America
Year 2018
Services APIs & System Integrations
Display Layer (HTML5,CSS3,JS)
Fonnegra Gerlein Logo

Fonnegra Gerlein is an established real estate company with over 44 years of experience. Displaying their knowledge and contribution to the real estate market was the main objective of this rebranding project. It was also imperative that the site would allow searching for real estate opportunities an easier task. 

About the Project

About the Project

Fonnegra Gerlein required a modern and current site to showcase their knowledge and experience within the real estate market. They also wanted potential customers to be able to search for real estate in a more user-friendly way.

Through a strategic consultancy process with Fonnegra we were able to show results of an established and experienced real estate team. We took a creative approach to include their requirements, but still made way for administrators to manage the site and make updates depending on the market direction and client comments.

  • Communication guidelines

    We improved the content with communication that is professional in its quality and tone.

  • Project Development

    Brand Development: We offered advice that was relevant to the business meanwhile incorporating their real estate experience. We were able to provide a modern and sophisticated brand.

  • Geolocation

    We applied this technology to help the user to filter their experience depending on their search and the sectors they required to facilitate correct navigation.

  • API Development

    At this stage we defined who the users were, the functional experience within the platform and how they will interact with it.

  • Display Layer (HTML5, CSS3 / SCSS, JS)

    We developed an integral page that would gather the robust information of the previous page in a simpler way.


The Fonnegra Gerlein team has an updated site and modern brand image that showcases their real estate experience and brand to new and current customers. Expresia interface works to keep all of their real estate listings up-to-date and easy to navigate.


Next project

Fonnegra Gerlein is now a Digital Company. Wanna make the switch?